Saturday, August 11, 2012

A garden in France at the end of July

I was lucky to spend a week at my parents' house. They have a great garden with many fruit trees, including an apricot tree. And in the garden, you can also chase the little insects that keep jumping in and out of the high grass. The children love it. Mine did. 

At the end of a few days waiting for the apricots to mature, we decided it was time to pick them. So, we ate them and also made a tart. Yes, a yummy, mumsfillibaba tart. 

This is what our afternoons were about : chasing grasshoppers & watching the apricots!

...and then, of course, baking and enjoying the fruits of the garden.

The perfect place to run around and find insects

Chasing grasshoppers

Observing the grasshopper before freeing it. Not many escaped the observatory phase, as the chidden were pretty good at catching them. Let me reassure you, they all got released back in the nature. 

Somebody enjoying the apricot

The apricots maturing 

After the baking session, the apricot tart is ready to be deliciously appreciated!

Hoping you enjoyed your July. 


  1. What fun for the children and educational as well. Mmmm that apricot tart looks very yummy. Have a great weekend Diane

    1. Yes, Diane, the children have a great time in that particular garden and they discover need for toys, really.

      (and yes, indeed, the tart was very nice). Hoping you had a nice weekend too.

  2. Coucou Awena!!!! Très heureuse de voir tous ces moments gourmands. Chez mes parents, nous avons dégusté des pêches de vigne. Miammmm et je suis rentrée avec plusieurs pots de confiture. Un régal!

    Continue bien tes vacances!


    1. Merci Chrys ! J'en ai profité aussi pour faire de la confiture d'abricots. Bisous et à bientôt.

  3. oh, these are lovely! my childhood was quite similar. full of lightening bugs and plums!

    you are challenging to reach! your blogger icon doesn't link back to any contact info so i had to dig around a bit. but i've found you now so i'll be back! your whole blog is full of lovely imagery!

    1. Hi, thank you ! I'm pleased you enjoy the blog. And thanks for the feedback about having difficulties trying to find some contact info. Not being very techy, I'm not sure why that is. l'll look into it, though.

      See you soon.

  4. this place is so peaceful, can I get a bit of this tart, please:)
    Blog about life and travelling
    Blog about cooking

    1. Thank you, Ola. Mmmm...I'm afraid the tart is all gone now ;-)

      Many thanks for your blog links, I'll check them out. See you soon.


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