Saturday, November 30, 2013

Short spin in Duluth

During my holiday in Minnesota, travelling from lake superior back to Minneapolis, I briefly stopped in Duluth and had a good vibe for the place. What I like most about this city was the discovery of the "old" side of the town, as I noticed the old adverts wearing off the old brick walls.





  1. Le traitement choisi est complètement adapté à cette belle série qui nous plonge immédiatement dans l'ambiance.
    Très chouette ;-)

    1. Merci Marie. Cela me fait chaud au coeur quand mes séries plaisent aux autres photographes et amoureux de la photo. A très bientôt.

  2. YES!!! Très sympa ton traitement des couleurs, cela change!!!

    1. Merci, merci, Chrys ! Oui en effet, cela rajoute un effet plus doux et légèrement ancien. Et les tons roses du traitement se mélangent bien avec la couleur de la brique rouge, finalement. A bientôt !

  3. I've never thought of Minnesota as a holiday destination but you make it seem very appealing. Je suis d'accord avec les autres, superbe traitement photo!

    1. Hi James, Thank you for your encouraging comments. I am really pleased that fellow photographers appreciate the post treatment of this series. And you know, I happen to have family in Minneapolis which is of course the main reason of my stay there. I loved all of it. It was a great experience and can't wait to go back.

  4. Ton post traitement bleuté est bien vu. Il confère une petite touche sixties à tes images qui me plaît bien (même si les voitures trahissent l'époque;-) ).Bonne journée Awena

  5. A friend of mine used to live in Duluth, strange to imagine him there... Anyway this is one part of the US that I don't know at all. Thanks for the photos.

  6. Your holiday looks like fun! Love how you captured the old parts of Duluth! And you are right about the diners ... one must experience them. A thing of the past.


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