Saturday, July 21, 2012

The waiting game

Expectancy is a different experience for each woman. And the expectation of what expectancy should be like is different whichever country you live in. What you should eat, or no longer eat, how you should sleep, which mode of transport you can no longer use, which sport you can carry on doing, how much weight you are allowed to put on...The list is long. 

In my opinion, the most important thing is to do what you feel you should be doing. 

Feelings are an important part of being pregnant too. The motions going through your body, the apprehension and the excitement...all these feelings mixed together...One thing for sure is that if you can enjoy your pregnancy, make the most of it. It's a special and a unique moment.

And this is what Sam decided to do. She is nurturing these feelings and she wants to make the most of it. Sam also wants to share these emotions through photos. This is what we did together. On that particular day, Sam was full of positive emotions and ready for the photo shoot. She had the ideas and I integrated them. This is the result of a fun morning with a fun loving pregnant lady. Now the waiting game really starts. 

A big thank you to Sam.


  1. J'ai une préférence pour les photos 1, 2 et 8.
    Pour la 6ème, j'aurais préféré que le coude ne soit pas coupé mais j'aime ce cadrage!
    Bravo pour cette séance Awena et bonnes vacances!!!

  2. Merci Chrys ! Bonnes vacances. A bientôt.


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