Friday, November 16, 2012

Funfair or When girls have fun!

I went to the funfair and I had fun.

Not because I enjoyed the rides (I cannot go on them, as I'm not good with heights and my stomach goes all funny). But it was a great outing because I was with 2 friends and we amused ourselves taking photos of the fair. 

Except that around here it's called "La Vogue". 

My aim was to experiment with the lights, the lines and the curves. So spread out on a few posts, I shall present you with the outcome of the fun I had with my 2 photographer friends. 

As funfairs represent to me an older form of entertainment, I went for the Antique angle for this first series. 

(Please keep seated whilst it's going)



Enjoy the ride!


  1. *** Coucou Chère Awena :o) !!!!
    Merci pour ces photos qui me donnent envie de faire un tour de manège !!!!
    J'adore !!!! Ce sont des moments où l'on oublie tout et où l'on redevient enfant ! :o) Tout ce que j'aime quoi !!! ;o) LOL
    J'en profite pour t'envoyer de gentilles pensées amicales !
    Bisou ♥ Bisou ♥ Bisou ♥ :o) ***

  2. Chouette un tour de manège !!!
    Bon week-end :-)
    Bizzz Laure

  3. Bonne idée de retirer le flash des couleurs, effectivement cela donne un aspect vieilli, une nostalgie du passé.

    Bon weekend Awena!!!!


  4. ♥♥♥ Hello Chère Awena !!! :o)
    Bon dimanche à toi
    Merci pour ta visite sur mon petit blog !
    et je t'envoie de GROS BISOUS !!!! ♥♥♥


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