Saturday, May 25, 2013

Le Beaujolais

When family comes to visit from abroad, I like to show them the surrounding area, so rich in heritage, culture and landscape. Every time, we enjoy taking in all this natural beauty that we often take for granted. 

I recently took family to the Beaujolais region, which I had discovered for the first time last year, a few months after moving back to France. At the time, I had captured parts of the flavoured landscape with my camera and left the photos to rest and mature for at least a year. Visiting the region again revived the desire to develop last year's photos, which I am sharing today. 


This series being on the slight "post-card" style, I am aware it is not a Grand Cru. However, the contrasts, made up with the natural light that the weather created at the time, brings me to invite you to the Beaujolais region. 





Virtually, to your health! 


  1. Très très joli !!! Belles lignes et belles couleurs ...On le boit quand ce pinard ?
    A bientôt.

  2. •✰ •✰ •✰ •✰ •✰ •✰
    Hello chère Awena ! :o)
    MERCI pour cette série de photos ! Qu'elles sont belles !!!
    Ça représente parfaitement les beautés de la France, notre beau pays qui regorge de coins comme ceux-là : pleins de charme !!!

    Merci Awena ! J'aime tes photos ! Un vrai plaisir à regarder !
    Bonne journée à toi et GROS BISOUS
    •✰ •✰ •✰ •✰ •✰ •✰


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