Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Sortie la Part Dieu avec Image Contact

Image Contact, l'association photo dont je fais partie, organise de temps à autre des sorties, selon nos envies photographiques. Et nous avons décidé d'aller faire un petit tour un dimanche matin dans le quartier de la Part Dieu, au centre de Lyon.



Il y avait Serge, Matthieu, Chrystel, Charly et moi-même. Nous nous sommes bien amusés avec les lignes, les courbes et les réflexions des immeubles des années 70 (et autres) qu'offrait le quartier.






Aujourd'hui, je vous propose aussi d'aller guetter sur le blog d'Image Contact les photos des autres photographes. C'est toujours intéressant, je trouve, de découvrir les autres regards du même sujet. Nous incitons les intéressés de la photo à commenter pour échanger et partager cette passion.

A très bientôt.

Friday, October 25, 2013

City reflections

My latest reflections took place in Minneapolis during a family holiday and in Lyon during a photo outing.

1 - Minneapolis

2 - Minneapolis

3 - Lyon

4 - Lyon

Reflecting on these times, the family holiday in the US was fantastic and the outing with fellow photographers allowed me to take a step further into learning and searching...

To be continued!

This post is also published through the blog Weekend Reflections...(Thank you James for the opportunity)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The colours of Auvergne

Auvergne is a region I often visit as my parents moved there a few years back from Brittany. Over the time, I have taken photos of this volcanic region and today I decided to put my favourite ones together.

This series captures the colours of the countryside and the light of the region.




I enjoy walking in the countryside and learn to appreciate the natural beauty of the Auvergne region.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Stacked Hay Man

Introducing people into my photos is not so natural for me, but I am working on it.

During this improvised shoot, the difficulty was to ensure the session would not last too long, as when the sun is as gorgeous as it was, there's a time limit for itchy hay into your back!



Thank you Andy!